You might have a shade problem, poor soil, or don't want to water a lot to maintain a lush lawn. No matter the reason behind your landscaping woes, you can rest assured that your yard will look fantastic even without grass. It takes just a few creative ideas and the right landscaping design.
For grass to thrive, it needs lots of sunlight. For best results, choose shade-loving plants if you have a shaded yard. You need to look for plants that have attractive foliage and not flowers. Here are some examples:
It is possible to plant the wrong things if your soil is clay, poor in nutrients, or otherwise difficult to grow. Here are some ideas to make your front yard look lush without grass. These ideas include perennials that can grow in poor soil.
A landscape without grass is an option if you live near a water-scarce area. It is best to use xeriscaping. These plants are low-maintenance and can survive in extreme drought conditions.
Chilliwack Landscaping Pros
45922 Higginson Rd #B, Chilliwack, BC V2R 2C7